Baltimore - Holy Rosary Church
Grudzień Piątek
18:00 - 19:00 Sakrament Pokuty


War Mothers A Memorial by David S. Fischel Researcher   Under the Direction of Glen Johnston, PhD Stevenson University Maryland

War Mothers A Memorial by David S. Fischel Researcher Under the Direction of Glen Johnston, PhD Stevenson University Maryland

In the Fells Point area of Baltimore, Maryland is located a Polish-American Roman Catholic parish erected a World War II memorial.  The memorial was erected by the War Mothers on the grounds of the Holy Rosary Parish and is “Dedicated to the Glory of Almighty God and in the Memory of Our Deceased War Veterans.”

The memorial is of grey granite stone and measures seven feet by seven feet.  In the center is a base relief engraving of a hands outstretched Jesus.  On the left and the right are engraved fifty-six names.  The memorial is centrally located between the Holy Rosary Parish church building and their then school building.

aktualizowano: 2015-04-16 00:19
Bulletin March 29,  2015

Bulletin March 29, 2015

aktualizowano: 2015-03-27 01:18
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