

Friday has reopened for Jubilee Photos!!!! - Piatek jest otwarty na zdjecia jubileuszowe!

Bedzie mozna zrobic zdjecia po poludniu od 5 pm w tym piatku / Jubilee photos will be taken for a short time this Friday evening from 5pm.

W ostatniej chwily, piatek jest teraz otwarty na zdjecia Jubilueszowe, od 5pm do 8pm. Prosze, jezeli ktos jeszcze chce zrobic zdjecia, zadzwonic do biura na 410.732.3960




Friday has been opened at the last minute for Jubilee photos. They will be photographing from 5pm to 8pm. If you still need your picture taken, please call the church office at 410.732.3960 as soon as possible so we can schedule you in!

Drukuj cofnij odsłon: 4572 aktualizowano: 2012-08-23 16:42 Do góry