

Coronation of the Statue of Our Lady of Fatima

Coronation of the Statue of Our Lady of Fatima

You are cordially invited to join us for a Blessing of the Gold Crown and a Coronation of the Statue of Our Lady of Fatima

on Sunday, May 3rd, 10:30 a.m. during bilingual Mass

Join us as we also celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lady, Queen of Poland, May Procession in the Church and  First Anniversary of  Communion of Polish School students.

I encourage you to invite your friends and family to this beautiful celebration! 

6087 aktualizowano: 2015-05-05 06:08
I piatek i I sobota miesiaca

I piatek i I sobota miesiaca

Pierwszy piatek miesiaca

Nie zapomnij. Jezus zmartwychwstaly czeka.

3:30 PM - Adoracja Najświętszego Sakramentu.

6 PM - Spowiedź

7:30 PM - Eucharystia i po niej Nabożenstwo z prośba o uzdrowienie

Na pokrzepienia zobacz film: http://pl.gloria.tv/?media=288585

Pierwsza sobota miesiaca

8.00am - Godzinki o Matce Bozej

8.30am- Msza sw.

9.30am - Rozaniec


6467 aktualizowano: 2015-04-23 18:16
Bulletin April 26, 2015

Bulletin April 26, 2015

utworzono : 2015-04-23 00:55
Wszystkich rekordów w kategorii: 511
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“Today the Lord said to me, Daughter, when you go to confession, to this fountain of My mercy, the Blood and Water which came forth from My heart always flows down upon your soul and ennobles it. Every time you go to confession, immerse yourself entirely in My mercy, with great trust, so that I may pour the bounty of My grace upon your soul. When you approach the confessional, know this, that I Myself am waiting there for you. I am only hidden by the priest, but I myself act in your soul. Here the misery of the soul meets the God of mercy. Tell souls that from this fount of mercy souls draw graces solely with the vessel of trust. If their trust is great, there is no limit to My generosity. The torrents of grace inundate humble souls. The proud remain always in poverty and misery, because My grace turns way from them to humble souls.” (1602)