Fazy i warunki otwarcia kościoła dla wiernych są opisane w biuletynie.
Schedule and conditions for church re-opening are described in the bulletin.
Schedule and conditions for church re-opening:
Update on 2020-05-14
Phase I and Phase II - see in this bulletin (pdf file or images below).
Update on 2020-05-15
Phase II will begin May 31, Pentecost Weekend.
Indoor Masses may be permitted with limits on capacity (1/3 seating capacity).
Pastors will need to develop a process for distributing communion based on the guidelines.
In addition, a list of required items and considerations must be met for pastors to certify that a parish is prepared to offer public Masses.
What to expect when you return to Mass:
Nagranie niedzielnej Mszy Św. (17 maja 2020): /
Sunday Holy Mass recording (May 17, 2020):
(PL) 10:30 am - link: https://www.facebook.com/2086625391575745/videos/663347320893491/
(EN) 12:00 pm - link: https://www.facebook.com/2086625391575745/videos/1508668599297232/
Poprzednie biuletyny można znaleźć tutaj / Previous bulletins can be found here:
http://holyrosarypl.org/en/bulletin/biulletin-2020/ or
http://holyrosarypl.org/pl/biuletyn/bulletin-2020/ or
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